summer singing school

Accommodation & fees

img_9168-9-chapelSingers will be offered full board and lodging at Cratoule, including wine with meals.  The kitchen staff will cater for specific dietary requirements.

Most rooms are shared, but single rooms are available for a supplement. A further option is for guests to camp in the orchards (bringing their own tent, and using bathroom facilities in-house).


Fees per person for 2024, including tuition and accommodation, will be according to the accommodation option chosen.

Course fees + Single room – £1220
Course fees + shared room  – £1130
Course fees + camping – £959

A non-refundable deposit of £100 is due within two weeks of acceptance on to the course.

The remaining fee will be due by Friday July 5th 2024 – six weeks before the beginning of the course


In the event of cancellation before Friday July 19th 2024, 50% of the fee (less non-refundable deposit) will be repaid. In the case of cancellation after July 21st 2024, it will not be possible to refund your fee.

For those offered a bursary, refunds offered will be calculated on the basis of the fee paid without the bursary.


Cheques should be made out to ‘Cratoule Summer School’ and sent to;

img_1792Jan Wiener
24, Dyne Road


By direct bank transfer to:

Cratoule Summer School
Sort Code: 20 74 63
Account Number: 83496902
IBAN: GB25 BUKB 2074 6383 4969 02